Friday, 22 February 2013

Fed Up with Replacing your Office Carpet?

Do you feel like you spend far too much of your time and money replacing the carpets in your office? With a busy business it's really something that you shouldn't have to worry about, you've enough other things going on, on a daily basis. It's such an inconvenience isn’t it? Everyone has to stop work while you move out all the furniture, then you have to lift up the old carpet and get a new carpet fitted, before you haul everything back in again and everyone can get back on with their work. What a hassle it is!

If you're anything like me, the thought of all that upheaval puts you off getting around to it, not to mention the cost. I find myself leaving it until I'm feeling thoroughly ashamed of the carpets and feel embarrassed when clients come to the office. I've even been known to hold meetings in a local pub because our office looks so grotty, so they don't see the threadbare carpet covered in stains and think we're a fly-by-night dodgy operation rather than the true professionals that we are!

So, what's the answer to this flooring dilema? The answer is simply to employ a good contract carpeting company like Birch Carpets of Sheffield. You'll be guaranteed a carpet that lasts a very long time and that won't quickly wear thin in the areas that get the most foot traffic. You'll also be able to pick a carpet that is very stain resistant. I used to cringe any time someone in the office spilt a coffee, now I don't worry about it as I know it won't stain, which has been great for my stress levels!

Contract carpet is definitely the way to go. It isn't too pricey and you know it won't need replacing for a long time – phew! We have a lot of choice too so if you're after something neutral or something bright and cheerful you'll most definitely be able to find it.